Content Guidelines

The following list contains the suggested guidelines concerning syllabus content for the University of Louisville. After a review of the current literature and best practices for syllabus content and design, the following guidelines are offered as a resource for faculty. It is important to note that many colleges as well as departments/units of the university have established specific requirements pertaining to syllabi for their courses. Please check with the head of your academic unit for specific syllabus requirements.

This resource has been arranged to provide specific content suggestions for syllabi. The information provided is grouped into the following categories:

At a minimum, this resource provides a basic outline of information to include in a syllabus. Faculty are encouraged to go beyond these minimum suggestions in order to create a learning-centered syllabus for students. This resource provides suggested recommendations and enhancements to meet this goal.


  • Core Elements refers to the basic elements suggested for syllabi
  • Recommendations refers to elements that help to improve upon a basic syllabus
  • Enhancements refers to elements that go above and beyond