University Policies

2015 Title IX/Clery Syllabi Statement

The following statement should be added to all course syllabi, as of July 1, 2015.

Availability and Distribution

What you need to know at the University of Louisville

Section 4 of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities gives students rights of access to course information with reasonable detail on the nature of the course, the course requirements and assignments, and the standards and methods used in evaluating students’ academic progress.

Most instructors choose to make this information available in the form of a course syllabus on or before the first or second meeting of the course.

Instructors should establish clear policies and consistent practices regarding the availability and distributions of course information and syllabi in face to face, blended or online course formats. They may distribute or publish course syllabi in hard copy or through instructional tools such as Blackboard, email or other secure electronic means. Hard copy distribution of syllabi may be an instructor’s preferred choice in other course formats.

If instructors choose to make changes in assignments, requirements and methods of grading during the semester, the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities requires that students must be provided that information in writing, including the reasons for modifications. Instructors should state in the syllabus how students will be notified in the event of course modifications.

It is the instructor's responsibility to be familiar and comply with additional syllabus policies within their school/unit.

Online Course Access Guidelines

The Delphi Center provides the following guidelines as a resource for setting student expectations regarding online coursework when the university is closed or delayed.

These guidelines were written under the premise that students in online courses may lose Internet access or the ability to reach their primary Internet access point when they experience inclement weather at their place of residence. These are guidelines only, not policies. You are encouraged to incorporate them into your syllabus and change them as you see fit for your course(s).

University Closure

If the University of Louisville is closed due to a holiday, weather-related conditions or other unusual circumstances, planned real-time activities in online classes will not be held and no form of coursework will be due. Real-time activities include scheduled class chats, virtual classroom meetings, or any other activity that requires students to access the course management system (i.e., Blackboard) at a scheduled time.

University Delay

If the University of Louisville is on a delayed schedule, on-campus classes are canceled up until a certain time, and classes that begin at or after the delayed time meet at their regular time and include the full instruction period. However, a delayed schedule will not affect online classes in any way. Coursework is due as planned and any scheduled real-time activities will be held.

Internet Outage or Inaccessibility

A student will occasionally lose his or her Internet access due to an outage where both the cause and solution are outside of his or her control. Examples include an extended power or cable outage causing a loss in Internet access. It is at the discretion of the course instructor whether to require documentation and to determine a reasonable course of action.