Respondus Test Generator

Respondus Test Generator is a software that allows the user to create exams, surveys and pools for Blackboard without being logged in and online while working. Exams can be created offline using a familiar Windows environment, or moved from one eLearning system to another. Whether you are an expert or relatively new to online testing, Respondus can save you hours on each project. 

UofL has a site license, which means you may download and install it on your office computer and/or your home computer.

Information for Manual Uploading of Files

Faculty can create the files and use the process listed below to upload any created respondus file into any course.

Process for Manually uploading a Respondus file to a Blackboard course. [PDF]

Installation Instructions

Run the program which will then download the latest and greatest version of Respondus. Then insert the license key. After you have downloaded and installed the new version be sure to check for updates under the Help menu.

Institution: University of Louisville
Support Contact: Email Linda Leake
Personality: Blackboard 7.x - 9.x
Y2507I554514059R20a67311810f90a5 (Password valid through the end of: July 2025)

Please find the updated version of the Test Generator v410.01
Download updated February 4, 2025

Use and Application of Respondus

Get started with Respondus! The 23-page Getting Started With Respondus [PDF] will walk you through the entire process of creating an exam, uploading and deploying.