Call for Proposals: 2025 Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference

Online Submission Deadline: Sunday, October 20, 11:59 p.m.

The 2025 Celebration of Teaching and Learning conference will occur on Friday, February 7, 2025, at the Student Activity Center (SAC) on the Belknap Campus. This annual, university-wide teaching conference seeks to advance teaching and learning at all levels by sharing innovative strategies, highlighting emerging practices/technologies and disseminating the scholarship of teaching and learning.

You are invited to join the conversation by submitting a proposal to share the important work that is being done in the classroom, online and beyond to advance the university’s educational mission.

We are seeking proposals that describe teaching and learning efforts by UofL faculty, staff and students that are thoughtfully designed, implemented and evaluated. Proposals should invite session attendees to consider how they might apply, extend or adapt the presented ideas.

Review Process

Proposals will be reviewed anonymously according to specific evaluation criteria by a proposal review committee comprised of faculty and staff representatives from across the institution, including members from the Delphi Center and other departments.

The submission deadline is Sunday, October 20, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

Please read the information below carefully before submitting! Notifications about conference acceptances will be sent in November.

Submit Your Proposal

Questions? Contact John Whitney at 502.852.7623 or with questions about the call for proposals process or the Celebration for Teaching and Learning Conference.